New report reveals UK is particularly exposed to IoT security failings, in spite of industry guidelines introduced by government last year.
A massive six in ten UK organisations can’t tell If their IoT devices have been breached by hackers or not, according to a new study by Gemalto.
Flipping the figures around, while 42 percent of UK organisations can detect IoT device breaches, this is the second lowest in Europe after France, at 36 percent. This might be connected to the fact that UK spending on IoT protection is lower than the global average (11 percent of IoT budgets).
Jason Hart, CTO of data protection at Gemalto, told SC Media UK: “The simple fact is that lack of investment in properly securing IoT devices means that the UK not only continues to struggle on IoT security, but that it’s left itself wide open to attack from cyber criminals.”
He added: “British organisations must start looking at how they protect themselves, focussing on spending in the right areas in order to protect what matters with the increasing amounts of sensitive data IoT devices now produce. This means investing in applying the correct security controls such as encryption, key management and user and device authentication which enables that correct level of security to protect the data whether it’s in transit or at rest and accessing both the data and the device at all times.”
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