Verdict UK – JPM Coin: JP Morgan cryptocurrency blasted as against the “freedom and spirit” of crypto

verdict-logoThe JPM coin, the newly announced JP Morgan cryptocurrency, is being seen as a key step in the adoption of the technology in the mainstream banking industry, however for some in the industry it is a cause for deep concern.

Announced yesterday, the JP Morgan cryptocurrency will begin being used this year, but only for internal applications. Pegged 1:1 to the US dollar, the JPM Coin will be used by the banking giant to provide dramatically faster transfers between accounts than with traditional methods.

“With JPM Coin hopefully the tables are turning for digital currencies and we can really start to see the benefits that blockchain technology can bring to the financial world,” said Jason Hart, CTO of data protection at digital security company Gemalto.

“By focusing on a set use case, JP Morgan can control the currency and work closely with regulators to ensure that it fully meets their requirements, before taking it mainstream.”

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Information Age – Encryption – everybody claims to be doing it, but what does it mean?

information-age-logo-text-onlyWhat are consumers’ perception of encryption, and what steps must businesses take to secure themselves?

In 2016 consumers were exposed to a larger number of high profile data breaches than any year previously – last year Yahoo disclosed the loss of more than half a billion customer records.

These events have helped raise public awareness around the serious threats to personal data that exist in the modern era. Awareness is also growing for some of the solutions that businesses and individuals can use to minimise the risks from data breaches.

Encryption is starting to gain some prominence in stories concerning data breaches, but do consumers actually understand what it involves, or how important it is?

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