AV Technology Europe – Confessions of a professional hacker: think your AV/IT is safe? This may change your mind


avte-logoAn Interview with Jason Hart…


The threats from cyber attacks are reaching epidemic proportions.

As I write this, an email with the headline ‘councils hit be 37 cyber attacks every minute’ has popped up on my screen. Surprised? After all, the subject of cyber threats for many is like discussing a life threatening illness or crashing your car. It’s something that happens to other people, right? Maybe. Maybe not.

Hart attack 

Jason Hart is a potentially very dangerous man, possessing the skills and knowledge to cause the kind of damage suggested above. Thankfully, Jason is a good guy. A successful “ethical hacker” now helping companies like yours. He knows how the bad guys think and what it is they want and the methods deployed to go and get it and – crucially – the best ways to stop them.

To read the full interview with Jason click here.


AV Technology Europe – Is your AV equipment putting your company’s cyber security at risk?

avte-logo“The change and transformation that AV brings is fantastic, but it’s all a potential proxy for the bad guys to get into an organisation”

Jason Hart, CTO, data protection at Gemalto – a world leader in digital security – agreed, stating that any piece of connected AV equipment creates added opportunities for cyber criminals to gain access to your precious data.

“Anyone with digital signage, uses digital displays, does video conferencing, uses a microphone and has speakers are all potentially at risk,” he explained.“Every piece of equipment that’s connected to a network is a potential doorway for a hacker. Anyone with a digital display, or does video conferencing, uses microphones and has speakers are potentially at risk. Think about all the information displayed on an interactive whiteboard? Your entire business strategy might have been outlined, containing highly confidential information. That whiteboard is recording everything electronically and storing it on a computer and that computer is backing it up to the cloud. If I was a bad guy and could access that information, the ramifications could be enormous.

He continued: “What about a lawyer or a legal council using forms of AV technology, such as conference calling? What if I could find that conference calling system online and listen in to the calls without them even knowing?

“The change and transformation that AV brings is fantastic, but it’s all a potential proxy for the bad guys to get into an organisation.”

To read the full article click here.