Real Business – What tech trends should ambitious SMEs be jumping on this year?

realbusinessMed-tech, law-tech, GDPR fines and the disruption of international security, it sure looks like 2019 will be an interesting year for technology. Read about the latest trends and how your business can capitalise on them now.

“2019 will see the first AI-orchestrated attack take down a FTSE 100 company.” – Jason Hart, chief technology officer, data protection, Gemalto.

Despite’s Hart’s doom-laden prediction above, the future is anything but gloomy for cyber security firms, and for the companies that employ their services.

Why? Because it’s a great opportunity for cyber security companies to show consumers how vital their services are, as they rise and innovate to combat the challenges of these new advancements.

“AI will be needed to fight AI, many believe, particularly as the IoT vastly increases the number of potential weak points in this burgeoning network of connected devices,” Hart continues.

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BBC News – Tech trends 2019: ‘The end of truth as we know it?’

bbcnewsMore than 200 firms contributed to our request for ideas on what the global tech trends will be in 2019. Here’s a synthesis of the main themes occupying the minds of the technorati this year. You may be surprised.

This year it’s all about data – a small, rather dull word for something that is profoundly changing the world we live in.

“2019 will see the first AI-orchestrated attack take down a FTSE 100 company,” predicts Jason Hart, chief technology officer, data protection, at security firm Gemalto. A new breed of AI-powered malware will infect an organisation’s systems, sit undetected gathering information, adapt to its surroundings, and unleash a series of bespoke attacks targeted to take down a company from the inside out.”

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IT Pro Portal – The future of security – a 2019 outlook

itproportalBased on the way the industry is moving, 2019 is set to be an exciting year as AI gains more prominence and, quantum and crypto-agility start to make themselves known.

From the record-breaking number of data breaches to the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 2018 will certainly go down as a memorable year for the cybersecurity industry. And there have been plenty of learnings for both the industry and organisations, too.

Despite having two years to prepare for its inception, some companies were still not ready when GDPR hit and have faced the consequences this year. According to the law firm EMW, the Information Commissioner’s Office received over 6,000 complaints in around six weeks between 25th May and 3rd July – a 160 per cent increase over the same period in 2017. When GDPR came into force, there were questions raised about its true power to hold companies to account – with the regulation saying fines could be implemented up to £16.5 million or 4 per cent of worldwide turnover. The latter half of this year has shown those concerns were unfounded, with big companies, including Uber as recently as this week, being fined for losing customer data. What 2018 has shown, is the authorities have the power and they’re prepared to use it.

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Financial Times (UK) – AI is not a ‘silver bullet’ against cyber attacks

ftArtificial intelligence is emerging as a useful cyber security tool, but experts are warning companies not to view the technology as a “silver bullet”. Many elements of cyber defence — particularly monitoring large amounts of data — can be better handled by machines than humans.

At the moment AI is fantastic at notifying users they have been compromised after the event, says Jason Hart, chief technology officer of data protection at Gemalto, a digital security company. “What we want it to do is identify when something suspicious happens, apply the appropriate security controls to mitigate the risk, then report back that it has noticed a potential attack, stopped it and protected the data.”

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