Brands are under pressure to protect themselves and their customers from increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. With daily media headlines and new regulations, consumers have never been more aware of the threats out there. As a result, businesses are being forced to take the issue of cybersecurity more seriously, facing it head on and putting in place the necessary steps (e.g., encryption, two-factor authentication and key management) to protect their data from hackers.
One avenue that’s not commonly talked about is the value that ethical hackers can have on a business. The common perception is that all hackers are the bad guys. But this is a mistake. As opposed to their Black Hat counterparts, who are out to use their skills on an illegal basis, White Hat hackers use their skills in an ethical manner to keep companies safe. They can be brought in to test and bypass a company’s defences and rather than taking advantage of any vulnerabilities, these are reported and advised on how to fix them.
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